Friday, September 25, 2009

Reaping the harvest

There hasn't been that much of excitement to report over the past month or so, with little activity taking place at the plot other than picking fruit and veg! We're finally enjoying an extended period of dry, sunny and relatively warm weather for the time of year. This has prolonged the harvest of summer crops such as beans, courgettes, luscious sweetcorn and some monster cucumbers and has helped ripen and sweeten the pears, plums and apples that have been produced in profusion this year. Here's a few photos to show the harvest of recent weeks.

A belated photo of the apricots before picking in late July/ early August.
"Sow early for a harvest this year..." said the seed packet. Sown in March, here's the evidence that confirms the statement. The first of my artichokes, picked and eaten a fortnight ago, boiled and then dipped in an oil and balsamic dressing.

Atlantic Giant pumpkin - one of three - up against my Pear 'Beth'. It's currently about beach ball size!

Winter brassicas in their 'Heath Robinson' pigeon and butterfly proof home. Rustic but effective!

Beautiful pods of Borlotto 'Lingua di Fuoco'.

Scorzonera in flower.
A sea of nasturtiums across the plot!