Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A time of plenty...

The plot has been left a bit to its own devices recently, with only fleeting visits to pick and to keep on top of weeding. It's amazing how everything has responded to the warm weather of late, none more so that the plethora of weeds which tries to engulf everything as soon as my back is turned. I'm keeping on top of the pernicious perennial weeds as soon as they appear, such as the dreaded bindweed, but some of the annual weeds manage to get a foothold until they are either hoed off on a dry day or pulled when it's rained. The recent monsoon has thoroughly soaked the soil and so such weeding is almost a pleasure!

It's not just the weeds that have taken off recently though. Below there are a few pictures I took around the plot on Sunday 5th July and you'll see the extent to which things have grown since I last took some pictures in mid June. I am eagerly anticipating the first of my Painted Lady runner beans, the first of the courgettes have been picked and fried, the broad beans are groaning under the weight of pods and the salad potatoes have provided enough to feed a small army. Add to that a regular supply of raspberries, some tayberries kindly offered from my neighbour's plot, huge (well, I think so anyway!) gooseberries and a helping of red and blackcurrants, it really is a time of plenty - and long may it continue.

Sweetcorn reaching for the sky!

Painted Lady runner beans

Atlantic Giant (baby) pumpkins

The Kelsea giant showbench onions

Rampant tomatillos with the globe artichoke in the foreground

Inside the polytunnel jungle - tomatoes, chillies, melons and sweet potatoes

Plenty of potatoes - Pentland Javelin and Charlotte

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