Monday, June 15, 2009

Mid June update

Another warm and sunny weekend here in Nottingham, so more time was spent lazing in my back garden than down at the plot. I headed there once it had cooled down a bit late on Sunday afternoon, namely to dig some more potatoes for tea but also to plant my Cobnut squash. As is always the way I found several other jobs to do and also took a few pictures to gauge progress.

Here is the inside of the poly tunnel, with the first flower trusses formed on the larger cherry tomatoes and chillies.

The next picture is a closer shot of my two melon plants. The one to the left I bought from a nursery, the one to the right I have nurtured from seed and is currently progressing well.

The final picture is across the plot from the other side to the poly tunnel, showing how things are progressing.

I have a heavy work schedule for the next couple of weeks so time at the plot will be limited. It was pleasing to see on Sunday that the first raspberries were ripening, the gooseberries were swelling nicely, and many crops seemed to be progressing towards at least a small harvest in the not too distant future. Given some rain and sunshine I hope to report back towards the very end of June with positive news and a wealth of fresh fruit and vegetables for the table.

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