I think the answer to this last question has been a key factor in my desire to start posting again. Whilst I'm sure someone out there might occasionally stumble on this blog, equally my words may go unread forever. I can live with that, because I've realised that the major beneficiary of my writing is actually me!
I'll try and elaborate on that.
I would love the idea of many people following this blog, sharing my experiences of allotment gardening and becoming inspired to do the same. Being somewhat more realistic, the occasional visitor flicking through my posts and enjoying what they read is a more likely outcome.
However, re-reading my blog from start to finish has enabled me to relive many moments which may otherwise have been forgotten. Little events at the allotment which, at the time, did not seem overly significant but have been recorded forever in history and help to create fond memories of time and place. I guess the fact that I'm becoming ever more forgetful (probably age-related!) means the opportunity to record my thoughts and the feelings they create is not to be missed.
Through my posting I will give myself the chance to reflect on past experiences. I will look back with a rueful and knowing smile at my previous naivety, curse the pigeons and slugs, or cherish the feelings of the seasons' first harvest of new potatoes.
If someone is reading and my words make them smile or simply help cheer their otherwise disappointing day, I will be over the moon. If I am merely recording my thoughts for future personal review, I can live with that too!
So, my commitment is to post regularly and to record my plot's progress in both words and pictures. Over the past two years my allotment has been a constant whilst a myriad of personal and professional things have changed around me. The pleasure I derive from growing vegetables and fruit at Woodthorpe is something I feel privileged to share with whoever wants to listen :-)

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