Thursday, June 20, 2013

A few pictures

Nipped back to the plot for a quick hour of weeding yesterday whilst my wife and new baby were fast asleep. The main job was to uncover various crops that had been left to fend for themselves for a bit too long. In terms of 'weeds' I was actually clearing away a carpet of self-set English marigolds. I generally leave them to grow away peacefully around the edges of beds as I like the colour they bring to the plot. When they start to swamp crops and take over a whole bed is the time to step in. Given the soil conditions and lovely warm weather it was a most enjoyable task and I uncovered a fine developing crop of onions and shallots as a result!

I also took the opportunity to take a few pictures from around the plot.

Red cabbages within brassica cage and block of celery 'Loretta' outside.

Developing gooseberry crop - time to thin them out.

View of mini orchard and potager-style planting: a mix of edibles and flowers.
Potager close-up: chives in bloom, lettuce 'Little Gem', broad beans, rhubarb, cosmos and cowslips.

Squash patch with bean wigwams and courgettes. Cold frame will house melon in due course.

Ripening strawberry safely netted from squirrels and pigeons. Many more to come.

San Marzano tomatoes and sweet peppers.

A sea of tomatoes - yes, they are too closely planted...

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