Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Update

It was another fine day today so I managed some time at the plot to fit the plastic cover to the polytunnel. After a bit of jiggling to stretch it over the framework it seems to be quite snug, pinned to the ground with metal pegs and some wooden batons for extra stability. I've decided to plant directly into the ground, albeit through some black weedproof membrane, mainly to take advantage of the extra water/ dampness that will percolate through the ground. I'm hoping the plants' roots will seek out this water, supplemented by a crude irrigation system I'll rig up to a waterbutt, meaning fewer visits to the tunnel will be required and I can rest easy that my plants won't wither and die. Before the membrane goes down I need to improve the soil as it's an area only recently reclaimed from the bindweed and couch grass which hasn't been cultivated before. A mixture of composted manure, organic soil improver and chicken poo pellets should do the trick.

Here's a couple of pictures showing the almost ready tunnel.

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